Friday, September 11, 2020

Peace Like a River II

If you were in a rowboat floating down this stream, would you want to reach down and glide your fingers across the water?
I would.

If you stood in front of this painting on the wall, would you want to reach out and stroke your fingers across the canvas? 
I would.

If you like the way this image makes you feel, wouldn't you want to know how it feels? 
I would.

I'm so drawn to palette knife paintings both on a visual and a tactile level.  I love the looseness of the strokes and the texture of the painted surface.  

Style fascinates me.  Do we choose our style? Or, is it just what comes naturally?  Can we change our style? Should we even try? How would I describe my style? How would others describe it?

I struggle with being painterly with a brush.  I know that.  I start a new painting and be determined to be looser, have softer edges, use more muted colors... Then I get going and slip right back into my own style.  That's okay.  I like bright colors and close likenesses.

But, with a palette knife... Ahhh... there's a freedom... a freedom to give an impression, to create a mood, to veer from the reference photo.

When I began to experiment with using a palette knife, I turned to YouTube tutorialsOne of the first I tried was this same image. In that first attempt, it was awkward and frustrating, and I'm pretty sure I want back over it with a brush to "touch it up" and "finish it."

Sara's inspiration image photograph, Pondering, from this month's Inspiration Collaboration challenge made me want to revisit this lily pond.

I am going to enjoy it on my wall so much.  And, I'm probably going to run my fingers across it's textured surface often.  One day I'll get notification that someone has purchased it.  I'll be so happy for the person who wants it... and a little sad to wrap it up and see it go.

Palette Knife Oil Painting on 11"x 14" Wrapped Canvas


  1. I have never tried painting with a palette knife, but I do like the texture it creates. What a lovely painting. It reminds me of a time we canoed through a lily pond. Good memories.

    1. I hope you get an opportunity to try one day. It's fun.
