Sunday, December 29, 2024

A Year of Light Taster Sessions - 21-32

I was determined to finish all of the Taster Sessions from A Year of Light with Willowing Arts by the end of the year.
I made it!

I know I repeat myself, but I have to say again how much I've enjoyed and learned from all these teachers from around the world.  Each lesson challenges me with some medium or technique or subject that is far from "normal" for me.
It feels good to simply be creative. Sometimes I'm amazed that I'm able to produce something I'm quite pleased with. Other times... well... I complete the lesson.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Big Apples

Just a few apples... simple...
I find that there's an elegance in simplicity that I love.

We've eaten a lot of apples lately. Why? Well, I wanted to do an apple painting... so I needed an apple reference photo... so I needed some apples... so I went to the store ... but I wasn't sure which kind would look best... so I bought some of each... so we have lots of apples at our house... so... we've eaten a lot of apples lately.

This painting might not be what you'd expect.
Take another look. 
It's a big one!
Let me explain where I got the idea for this painting. 
Not long ago I discovered a blog that I really enjoyed. It's called Mafamilias Writes.   I liked the style of the person writing it so much that I decided to go back to the beginning of it and read it through. It's kind of a magical time-traveling experience to do that.  I'm reading something written in the present, but when I'm reading it, it's in the past. (Let that sink in a minute... Hmmm... It's a little bizarre to be reading the excitement about a new grandbaby being born and realizing that baby is probably driving a car now!)  Strange, but I love it.
I came to a post with a picture of the writer, a knitter, modeling one of her scarves... wait, or maybe it was a sweater... Anyway, I saw part of a painting in the background that showed some great big apples.  I couldn't stop thinking about that part of a painting.  Maybe I needed a painting of some great big apples on my wall!

Now, that's what I have!
The best part of this painting is that I did it with a palette knife.  I can hardly wait until it's dry so that I can run my fingertips across the texture of the smeared paint on the canvas. Mmmm.... 

Original Oil Painting on 18"x 18" Wrapped Canvas
I'm sure I'll list it for sale on my Etsy site one day, but I think I need to enjoy this one on my own wall for a while first.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Christmas Tree Surprise

This was my example for the class of seniors I taught.
Just look at how beautiful all of theirs turned out!
Such a lovely bunch of ladies!!!
I find that students in their 70s and 80s just aren't that different from the 9 and10 year old kids I taught for a few decades. Both are kind of nervous with something new. They both want the teacher's approval and praise. They need to see an example.  And, they both just want the teacher to stop talking so that they can dive in to the project!

What fun!

Original Acrylic Painting on 16"x 20" Wrapped Canvas
Click Christmas Tree Surprise if you'd like to purchase it for yourself. Only mine is for sale.  Sorry, theirs are all just too priceless!

Thursday, December 5, 2024

I Like... (12/24)

 Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like City Park in New Orleans. 
I think it's the prettiest park I've ever walked through.
I also like the tree across from my mailbox.
Yes, I know I've taken and posted photos of it before.
But, it's fabulous too.
I like a warm fire on a cold day.
I also like hot soup on a cold day.
I like that our ornaments don't match and
that our little ones keep adding more and more strings of beads.

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

What dish would you take to a family dinner this month? Most likely deviled eggs.  I've got the chickens, so I've got the eggs. And, there are never any left when I take them, so deviled eggs is my go-to pot luck dish.

Hot chocolate or hot toddy? I'll go with hot chocolate. Honestly, I'm not even sure what a hot toddy is.

Are you the first person at a party or the last to leave? I don't want to be first, but I do try to be right on time. Then we're probably closer to the first to leave. Mornings start early at our house, so we're not much for late nights.

Real Christmas Tree or Artificial Christmas Tree? Artificial and pre-lit, thank you very much!

If you could eat only one type of cookie this holiday season, which cookie would you be eating a lot of? 

What would be the ideal way for you to spend Christmas Eve?  There would be a fire in the fireplace. I'd be preparing for tomorrow's meal. We'd have a relaxing day then go to Christmas Eve services in the evening.

How was Christmas done in your childhood home/family? The first ones up  banged pots and pans to wake up the rest of the family. First we emptied our stockings. They would have and orange, some nuts, and candy. Next we'd settle down and listen to my dad read the Christmas Story from Luke 2 in the Bible. Next we'd pass our and open our gifts.

Did you ever receive a gift as a child/teen that you really wanted and were totally excited to receive? The best gift I remember was when I was in 8th grade.  I got a brand new Stradivarius Bach trumpet. It was unexpected because I knew it was far beyond the normal budget for gifts in my family.  I loved it played it about every day for the next 5 years.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Caw! Caw!

I've been playing with the palette knife again. 
I finished the first one then just wasn't quite finished with this guy and painted him again.
I can't decide which one I like more.
I love the attitude of the first guy. I love that the second one and his background interact.

I was watching a crow outside my studio window yesterday. Is it an age thing? I never used to pay a bit of attention to birds. Before I know it, I'll probably have a field guide and binoculars! Surely not!

My Weekly-ish Challenge was "Crow." So... no tricks here, just a simple crow... or two.

Original Oil Painting on 8"x 8" Wrapped Canvas
Original Palette Knife Oil Painting on 8"x 8" Canvas Board
Click HERE if you'd like to purchase the first one.
Click HERE if you'd like to purchase the second one.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Quote Booklets - **NEW ONE** - Choose Joy!

Each page in these little flip books has one of my paintings and  a favorite quote or saying. There is one for each week of the year.

There are three versions and are perfect as a stocking stuffer, gift, or treat for yourself.

"Choose Joy" is the brand new one just listed on Etsy!
Click HERE for the link to "Choose Joy."
Click HERE for the link to "... A Thousand Words."
Click HERE for the link to "It Is Well With My Soul."


Friday, November 22, 2024

Roadside Flower Truck

If you came upon this truck with all these flowers for sale, wouldn't you want to stop to buy a bouquet? Yes! Also, I'd love to be this farmer's neighbor!

Maybe it's a little Hallmark-movie-ish... 
Maybe it's a little too springtime-ish for the week before Thanksgiving...
But, it made me happy to work on it and it makes me happy to see it on the wall.

Do you know what I kept thinking while I was painting the truck?  Remember back when trucks and cars had bench seats, and you could slide across to sit right beside your guy?  Ha ha ha... what a funny thing to be reminded of. To be clear, no, I'm not old enough to remember riding around in a truck quite as old as this one. 😀

My Weekly-ish challenge was "Yellow."  Yellow is usually my most difficult color to work with. I think it worked out this time though.

Original Oil Painting on 6"x 12" Wrapped Canvas
Click Roadside Flower Truck if you'd like to purchase this pretty little painting.  In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy it on my own wall.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Kaleidoscope - November

I've now finished the last month of my on-line mixed media art class called Kaleidoscope from Willowing Arts

I've learned something from each lesson and from each teacher.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A Year of Light - Taster Sessions 11-20

I'm continuing to love the lessons I'm working through in "A Year of Light" from Willowing Arts. I learn something with each one.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

I Like... (11/24)

Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like the discovering unexpected little creatures.
I'll let this little guy keep his pepper.

I like that my Buff Kitty is so patient with our little ones.
(Honestly, he must like it... despite his expression... He could get up and leave.)
I like visiting my sister and her crafting retreat.
Women can quilt, paint, scrapbook...
On this particular visit, our craft was to sit in the rocking chairs on the porch.
Welcome Home Retreat

I like looking up from the kitchen sink to see our forest friends passing through the yard.
I love this show!!!
(Amazon Prime or YouTube)
I like October. My driveway is just spectacular.
I like these little green frogs.
I've never seen them before this year.
I like seeing the trees in the yard across the driveway.  
I like these 6 tiny humans that call us Gram-E & Pop-E.