Thursday, June 6, 2024

I Like Thursday 6/24

    Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like the row of irises that put on their best show in May.

I like Pete.

I like growing my own salad right on the porch rail.
(The deer like it too... so the chicken wire protection.)
I like having tiny chicks in spring. 
These began to hatch for Fancy-like on Mother's Day.
My grandkids named them Marie, Merida, & Maisy.
I like my art room.

I like the new windchime I got for Mother's Day. 
It makes the most wonderful deep soothing sound.
I like squash blossoms.

I like early morning visits to the blueberry farm.
I like our forest friends...  But sometimes... 
This guy has enjoyed sneaking chicken food
even with a lid on it, a board over it, and the bin lid closed.
I hope he enjoys his new home on a friend's forest land in the next county!
I like having a garden!
The May weather has been perfect for it!

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

In honor of Memorial Day culture... not the actual meaning mind you... Memorial Day is the opening of pools, summer and wearing white pants do you look forward to wearing white pants?
Short answer: No. Do you own any? Short answer: No.  Shorts?  Shorts? Yes, of course when it's hot.  Capris? Yes, it seems like the longer I live, the longer my shorts become. Dress Pants?  All the time when I was teaching school. Retiring from teaching was also retiring from dress pants as much as possible! (The COVID years were another good excuse to wear dress pants 0% of the time. Jeans?  I love wearing jeans, except when it's hot.  Did you ever have a favorite style? Hip hugger? No.  frayed cut offs? Weren't frayed cut offs the only kind of shorts when we were kids? What about bell bottoms? Loved those! Balloon jeans? I had those in high school! The skinny jeans of these days... goodness, they weren't meant for gals shaped like me.  And, the holes-in-the-knees jeans... I cannot imagine how that became a style! And how about pajama pants! Was there really any other thing to wear in 2020 and 2021? Last thing... what about yoga pants?!? I discovered those when I retired and started Pilates.  They probably don't look good in public, but they sure are comfortable.

When you have free time, do you feel the need to constantly "DO" something? Yes, I have to admit that I am that person.  Is rest considered wasting time?  I'm feeling that I'll be shamed, but I have to answer yes.  How do you spend or would you like to spend free time?   What free time? Okay, okay... ummm... I like playing Double FreeCell on the computer. I like scrolling through Instagram.  I like scrolling through Facebook.  Do you wish you were more moderate or different?  I feel like I'm supposed to answer yes, but I like accomplishing things.  I like being productive.  

Remember the last day of the school year?  Clearing out your desk in elementary school or your locker in high school... 12 years of school, 4 years of college, 32 years of teaching... I've had 48 last days of school to remember. I think the question, though, is about being a kid.  I remember that the bus driver would stop at the Dairy Queen and buy everykid on the bus an ice cream cone. Remember how you felt and what the first days of freedom were like? How did you spend an average childhood day when school was out.  I lived in the country, so I only had one house that was in walking distance.  Those two kids and I rode bikes, picked blackberries, played all kinds of made-up games... all outside... all day, everyday... outside. I did watch some television too.  We only got one channel, but I knew exactly when the good shows came on.

Did you ever go to camp as a youth?  Sure!  I went to band camp every summer in junior high and high school.  Getting to stay in a college dorm room! Having very little supervision! Hanging with other band kids all day and night! Yes!   I also went to church camp every summer.  Cabins, activities, friends all day and night! Yes!

As a retired adult, do you change your routine for the summer? My garden dictates how many summer hours are spent.  It's time consuming, but a joy. I will say this, after 48 years of life being dictated by the school calendar, I love that we can travel in times other than summer.


  1. Ooh - wow - so many great photos. Pete is pretty! And all your growing things.

    1. Yeah, Pete is pretty... and does he ever know it!

  2. Your garden harvest photos are always so delightful! I was a teacher, too - last days of school have a special meaning for us, don't they?!

    1. Girl, ain't no exhausted like last-day-of-school exhausted!!!

  3. Such a fun post to read, and the photos just make me smile (except for that rascaly raccoon). Had to look up balloon jeans(!) - had a pair probably, but never called them that.

    1. I think they switched to calling them "mom jeans!" ha ha ha ha

  4. salad on the front porch, how lush! and of course you MUST be yourself in answers, that's the fun thing reading how we're the same and how we're different. Those wee triplets... is Pete the dad?
    I saw someone raise a raccoon when it fell from a cut down tree... it was their pet and adorable, but then it was raised with people.
    I loved cut offs... knee-out jeans annoy me to wear and really? why is it fashion hon?

    1. Lush is a great description of my porch and deck right now. Yes, Pete is our only rooster of those three little chicks. They're growing quickly!

  5. Yay on Fancy's little chickies! I like all those things that you like, and I love your photos. I'm happy for you but jealous of your wind chimes. I used to have the most melodic, deep chimes, but they were outside and got left behind in a former move. Now I have some nice ones but can't put them up because the wind blows almost constantly here and make them way too chime-y.

    1. I hadn't thought about that... living where the wind always blows would take away some of the surprise and charm of hearing them chime now and again.
