Thursday, October 3, 2024

I Like... 10/24

Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 
I like pretty my eggs.
I like our squirrels, even if they eat the bird food,
steal tomatoes, and litter the deck with hickory nut shells.
This guy's just chilling on a branch.
I like how cute raccoons are. But, if they learn how to get into the chicken food,
they get to go live in a different forest.
I like my colorful yard.
I like this book so much!
Lois Lowry... always so good.
I like traveling to new places with him.
(Olympic Peninsula, Washington)
I like having a garden.
There won't be much more, but it's been a good veggie year.

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

What is your favorite fall scent? I guess I didn't know there were scents assigned to fall. Would you rather have a pumpkin spice drink or apple cider? Neither, thank you. How about hot cocoa!

Do you like a cornfield maze, tell us about a time you did one and where it was. I've never been inside an actual corn maze.  But being 5'0", my whole life is like a corn maze since I can never see over things.

Do you like hayrides? Tell us about one you experienced.  We went on hayrides as teenagers. What fun. Although looking back, what was wrong with adults that they thought it was a good idea to put a bunch of teenagers on the back of a trailer snuggled down in hay on a dark night.

Do you like to carve pumpkins? It's become a fun family tradition.   Have you ever been to a display or contest of carved pumpkins?  I actually won a pumpkin carving contest years ago.  The prize was an electric knife.  I still have that electric knife.

I do you enjoy going in a "haunted house?"  or scary movies? I do not.

What is your favorite Halloween treat? Candy corn!  Do you give out candy to kids and what kind? have you ever run out? We have about one trick-or-treater every couple of years, but we always have some candy ready just in case. 


  1. I like reading your I Like posts :-) Those eggs are so pretty - would be a fun color scheme for a quilt or a painting. Candy corn - I can't have it around or I'd eat all of it

    1. I hear the truth in that!! Do you eat them whole? or one color at a time? I'm a yellow, then orange, then toss the white.

  2. LOL over adults and allowing kids on hay rides - so funny!! I mean, really, what were they thinking? My fave is candy corn too. I can almost hear you saying "do I look taller on this giant tree stump?" :D Raccoons are so cute and remind me very much of cats, but I know they are a nuisance. And very smart. Do you ever worry you are taking a mom away from babies?

    1. There are people (lots of them) who don't like candy corn! How can that be??
      Oh, dear... we try to be as humane as we can be with rehoming our wild animals that can't break their habit of messing with the chickens. I have "a guy" who comes and takes them to his land two counties away. Yes, he's probably a coon hunter who likes having plenty in his forests, but at least the little guys get a chance for a new home.
