Saturday, July 15, 2023

My Garden Harvest (July 1-15)


  1. Lotsa reds showing up! So pretty!

  2. Such a joy to behold! Your cucumbers look so perfect for pickling.The last time I grew cukes, I didn't pay enough attention and/or some were hidden from view, and they became enormous and inedible. ;) I'm sure you've mentioned before (but I'm old) do you grow your tomatoes from seed or plant?

    1. No kidding!!! How do they hide and become snozzcumbers so fast! At least mine don't go to waste. I chop them up and feed them to the chickens. They don't mind the flavor!
      I always buy little tomato plants. I haven't ever grown them from seed. I'm not sure why. Maybe I don't think of it early enough!
