Monday, December 11, 2023

Whooooo's Got Pretty Orange Eyes?

I haven't painted much lately.
I've had the I-can't-think-of-anything-to paint syndrome.
Is that like "writer's block" only for brush and canvas instead of pen and paper?
My Creative Companions project is finished.
We're taking a little break from our Weekly-ish Art Challenge.
The on-line LifeBook 2023 painting class is over.
So... I was on my own to decide what to paint next. How about going back to the beginning?

These are the first six paintings I ever did.  
The first four were from the 6-week beginning painting class.  
1st 2/07 - Trees in summer
2nd 2/07 - Same trees done in autumn colors
3th 2/07 - Value study in black and white
4th 3/07 - Seeing the color in black and white
5th 3/07 - My choice... An owl from my backyard
6th 3/07 - Same owl, second attempt

How about another owl!  

It's always such a treat to spy an owl in the trees around our place.  We hear them often but rarely catch a glimpse of one.  When we do see one, he's staring  glaring down with such an attitude of disdain and superiority.  I just love him anyway. Ours rarely give permission for their photographs to be taken, but every once in a while, I get lucky.

While I don't know this particular orange-eyed owl in the painting personally, I do like his spicy attitude.

Original Oil Painting on 8"x 10" Wrapped Canvas.
Click Orange Eyed Owl if you'd like to purchase this painting.


  1. They do look rather stern don't they! You brought his eyes to life in your painting. Love seeing your earlier paintings!

    1. Thanks! I think owls are fascinating... although I don't know one kind from another. I am glad I have kept a photo record of each of my paintings. It's fun to flip back through the months and years... see what "phase" I was going through!

  2. A couple of nights ago, something flashed past our patio windows. I wonder if it was an owl. They are stealth quiet, amazing birds! Love the painting!

    1. Ooohhh! Let's just assume it was an owl... a great big horned owl on the prowl! And, thanks, dearie!

  3. I have Barred Owls here too and getting a glimpse or a photo always gives me a real thrill. I have a thing about owls. Your painting is fabulous!

    1. Thanks! And, I think they look at us and almost demand that we have a thing about them, don't you think!
