Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Fish Tessellation

I was tasked to paint "Repetition" for my weekly-ish art challenge.
The possibilities for that topic were endless... yet it took the muse (You know the muse... the one who you just can't always count on when you need her.) took 6 days to show up! 
Good thing my challenge partner and I meet up on a loose weekly-ISH basis instead of a hard weekly schedule!

I think I know a sweet little guy who's about to turn one and about to move into a new house who might need some fishies on his new bedroom wall. 

Original Acrylic Painting on 11"x 14" Wrapped Canvas


  1. Tricky tessellation, Helen, and super cute, too!!

    1. Thanks! Just figuring it out was the tricky part. After that it was just fun.

  2. I think the little guy is going to love these fishies! I do!

  3. Wow I sure love the fishies, I'm sure your little guy will too!

  4. Very nice! It reminds me of a M.C. Escher painting.

    1. You know what?! A friend from college saw it on my Facebook page and commented, "Get that M.C. Escher vibe going!" Well, you know what came next... I Googled M.C. Escher to see who that was! Ha ha!
