Monday, April 3, 2023

Birds on a Branch Silhouette

Although we still have some cold days, it is spring.  I'm not a real bird watcher, so I don't know who is making which sound, but I do love hearing the twitters and chirps and whistles and tweets and caws and hoots and trills that surround our home.
My inspiration for this piece came from an Instagram photo that I loved. It was taken by my good friend and photographer Sara. My further inspiration, or maybe motivation, was that I'm still using up paint left over from our students' palettes from our class a month ago.
The challenge for Creative Companions this month was "Silhouette." In my companion piece, I used different kinds of silhouettes.  
  • The cardinal silhouette at the bottom was cut from a photograph I took of the cardinals that hang out in a tree by the bird feeder in our backyard. 
  • The bird at the top was done through a fun site called Word Art. I simply put in the names of all the bird I could think of that live near me, chose my color palette, and printed.
  • The words are just something I've noticed as I get nearer 60!  "Ignored... in the background... They've always been there. The older I get, the more I notice them... enjoy them... look for them in the foreground."

Original on 11"x 14" Wrapped Canvas
Click Songbird Silhouette if you'd like to purchase this painting.


  1. Thank you for the Word Art link, Helen. Beautiful silhouette painting and a really fun collage!

    1. You're welcome! I'm going to look for another reason to use it!

  2. Those words are definitely more significant at this age. I love the colors in your painting - it's a beauty! So cool that you are still using up paints from the class, too.

    1. Ha! The next painting (which I can't post yet) also uses those same left over paints! I'm going to be ready to paint with pink and purple one of these days!

  3. I love the painting as well as the collage. I really like the background colors in the painting. How nice that your "leftovers" translate to such beauty!

    1. I guess painters are like quilters... always trying to use up every scrap in the stash! :)
