Can you guess how many colors I used?
Four... yes, just FOUR colors!
Alizarin Crimson (dark red)
Veridian (dark bluish-green)
Cad Yellow Medium
Titanium White
I bought a bunch of tulips for my niece a couple of weeks ago to celebrate her being a mom for the third time. One tulip broke off, so I stuck it in a little vase and kept it for myself. It looked so elegant in its simplicity that I knew I wanted to paint it for The Naked Artists challenge this month - an image created to represent the word "simplicity."
My painting gals wanted to paint it too to work on how to paint glass. Using only the four colors, it came along very nicely. Once I thought I was finished, we stood back and looked...
ME: Hmmm...What d'ya think?
THEM: Wow! Look at the glass!
ME: I think I love it, but something's not right.
THEM: It's great! The vase is fabulous!
ME: It's supposed to be about a tulip, but it's all about the vase.
EVERYBODY: It's all about that vase, 'bout that vase, 'bout that vase... no tulip! It's all about that vase, 'bout that vase, 'bout that vase... no tulip!
After a good laugh, I put three little highlights on the petals. Instantly, it became a painting of a tulip in a vase.
I love my painting partners!
Original Oil Painting on 6"x 12" Wrapped Canvas