Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I LOVE it when a book has an epilogue.  It's my favorite part... finding out what happens after the end of the story.  
... In Harry Potter we find out what happens with Harry & Hermione and their kids...
... In Tuck Everlasting we see Mae and Tuck revisit Tree Gap decades later...
... In Ella Enchanted we read about Ella and Char and their children in happily ever after...

As an artist, the end of the story for me is when I put the painting in the mail or hand it to the buyer.  Often I get a thank you note, positive feedback in my Etsy shop, or maybe a photo of the painting hanging in its new home.  I love that!  But, that's usually the end.  

Every once in a while, though, I get an "epilogue" opportunity.  I've gone to a home of someone who has a painting and seen it hanging on the wall... noticed a painting in the background of a blog-friend's photo post... been sent a video of a painting being opened as a birthday gift... I love when that happens!

This week, I got a painting "epilogue" on a painting I did three years ago called "Dictys' Devotion."  I was tagged in a Facebook post with this photo. I have to admit that it took me a minute to understand why.

Oh... My... Goodness!!!  Right there in the middle of this proposal!!!  Do you see it?!!  That's my painting!!!  Yay!!!  And, yes, I also saw photos of the hand and the ring... so she said YES! 

Ahhhh.... what a pleasure.

(Along these lines... May I ask a favor... if you ever go to a flea market or yard sale and see one of my paintings for sale for $3.00, would you please just buy it and don't tell me.)

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