Thursday, January 4, 2024

I Like Thursday 1/24

  Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like that my kids and grand kids each have an Amazon Wish List.
I can set a $ amount, click, click, click, click...
Then wait for the packages to arrive.
Shopping done!
I like our ornaments.  
Each one holds a meaning or a memory.

I like my colorful little flock.
Zeb, Fancy-like, Elenore, Trudy, Beauty, Judy, Pip,
Vendi, Twinkle, Pauline, Jolene, Foxy, Ruby Jean, 
and... Pete.
I like sharing our little piece of the earth with forest friends.
But if they can't leave the chicken houses alone,
 they have to be relocated to a different woods.
I like our raccoons and possums and turtles and deer and birds and
squirrels and armadillos and whoever else pokes around in our woods.
They just need to stay in the woods and out of the chicken coops.
I like firecrackers.
I love the recipe which is  in my beautiful late sister-in-law's handwriting.
I like word games...
Wordle, Quordle, Crosswords, Cryptoquotes...

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

Do you have a favorite appetizer in your family?  My family loves homemade Chex Mix and Firecrackers.

Would you rather have buffalo chicken dip or artichoke dip? Ummm... neither... But, more importantly why did Kraft stop making French onion dip!?!? My favorite summer meal of tomato-bacon-tomato sandwich with Ruffles and French onion dip has never been the same!

What do you try first when you go to a party with snacks? Probably a sausage-cheese ball, maybe some chips and salsa, a little fruit to balance it out.

Do you have plans or desired to learn something new this year?  Yes! Always a life-long learner.  But, I don't have a plan for something specific I want to learn.

Do you have a goal for this coming year?  Hmmmm...I should have an answer here. I do have daily goals, if that counts.   

An event that had a big impact on you this year.... and how did you handle it?   I like signed up for and participated in an year-long on-line multi-media art class called Life Book 2023. There were 30+ teachers and 80+ lessons.  I committed myself to learn new mediums and ways to create.  I did. It was hard.  It was uncomfortable. I loved it. But, I'm ready to get back to my good old comfortable friend oil paint.                 

Does your family play games? What kinds and are any of them new ones this year? Cards? Board Games? Puzzles? Action games like darts or horseshoes etc?  My family is made up with 6 grandkids ranging in age from 1-5. Soooo... the main games played are chase-each-other-with-sticks-while-squealing, pretend-to-hide-then-squeal-and-run, or dump-boxes-of-toys-in-the-floor-and-squeal.


  1. I love that goodie grab bag idea for the deliverers! I'm saving it to my calendar to do next December. I love that you relocate the critters instead of "dealing" with them. Your favorite family game is hilarious!

    1. I'll send you a video of us letting the possum out of the cage.
      Oh, you like the games? Well, there others... like shout-hellloooo- through-a-paper-towel-roll again and again. I don't know why we have real toys when the not-toys are so much more fun!

  2. I was going to write a Thursday post last night - gah! Maybe I'll write one later this morning. Enjoyed reading yours, and, of course, getting a peek of Pete! :-)

    1. I bet you can get it done by next Thursday! And, I bet there will still be things to "like."
      Oh, Pete... What a funny guy you are...

  3. I feel the same way about my ornaments. Have you tried Connections by the New York Times? My kids just got me into it.

    1. Connections... no... I'll have to see about that one.

  4. wonderful! I collect ornaments wherever we go, and remember being there when ornaments are hung. Squeal! at first running around with sticks sounded like my dog and his friends insert bark for squeal!
    yes to french onion dip! the best! I wonder couldn't you carmalyze onions, mix with cream cheese and sour cream and spices...there is a hack recipe for most things. Oh your chooks are so pretty and critters... this is NOT a smorgasbord.

    1. We've tried other brands of French onion dip. Nothing's quite the same. Booooo!
      I choose chicks based on the what-color-does-my-flock-need method.

  5. Hmmmm! I never know of a chicken named after me! Cool! What a great idea for the delivery people! Next year, I’m going to do that! Oh my, I forgot about Firecrackers! We did 2 batches of Chex Mix this year! Extra garlic in my favorite recipe. It won’t be long and your littles will graduate to Chutes and Ladders, Sorry, and Trouble! Family game night will never be the same ! LOL

    1. Ha ha! Well, our three gold chickens (buff orpingtons) are Trudy, Judy, & Beauty. I have to be honest... They always stick together, and I cannot tell them apart!

  6. I love those chickens! Are their eggs all different colors, too? I recently blew my Wordle streak

  7. I'm on 103 for my Wordle streak. Now I'm a nervous wreck every morning that it might be the day!!!
    I'll send you a picture of my pretty colorful eggs!

  8. Helen - I haven't had Chex mix for ages! Maybe that's one to plan for the Super Bowl! Love the names for your hens ... and Pete! Congrats on taking the year-long multi media class - and for knowing what makes you happy - oil paint! Happy New Year! I am the second link on LeeAnna's I Like Thursday this week!

    1. Yes, yes! You must have Chex mix for the Super Bowl!
