Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Road Home

Poor Mr. Frost... He had to choose.
Lucky me... I'll take both!

If you find yourself in this exact spot, you're almost here!  If I know you're coming, I'll be on the porch waiting for you! When you get to the fork in the road, turn right.  It's hidden by the trees, but my house will be right there.

As it turns out, however, this painting isn't about turning right. 
Come for a stroll with me down the other way. We'll pass the garden... laugh at the chickens... walk around the pond where we'll avoid (or crunch) pinecones... count the deer in the meadow and watch them scatter... snap a photo of the favorite dogwood (no matter what season)... turn onto the next country road and continue ambling along until reaching the bend in the road where we'll turn back. It takes about 500 steps there and 500 back.
Original Oil Painting on 10"x 20" Wrapped Canvas.


  1. Wow I scrolled right past the painting, thought it was a photograph. It's just beautiful. Are you pleased with your interpretation and feel you captured everything you wanted? You have such a rich view!

    1. Yeah... I do love it. I'm going to enjoy seeing it hang on my own wall for a while.
