Sunday, October 20, 2019

2019 Art Show - Prepared & Uh-Oh

Under two weeks left. We're organized, prepared, and excited!
Paintings are finished, and we have a plan for how we'll display them.
Cards are packaged and arranged in baskets.
Tags and stories are typed, printed, and cut.
Good thing I was so on top of things at 14 days ahead 13 days ahead...

Step... Tumble... Crack... Sigh...
Guess I will be taking a break from painting and will be typing with one hand for a while!!!

Besides all that, if you are in Northwest Arkansas on November 1, come to our art show!!!! It will be fun!!!


  1. Oh my! Good thing you were well prepared for your show ahead of time. Hope you heal quickly and are back to two armed activities soon!

    1. Thanks, Sara... in the blink of an eye... right?

  2. Okay I scrolled back and nope don't think I got this post in my email, unless I didn't read it.... could've happened since I was doing my mum's quilt around this time I think, and offline a lot. Funny, not funny, I keep thinking, oops, slow down, Sandra, yikes, that could've been dangerous, when I'm going down the stairs to the basement in a hurry or being yanked off the deck steps by a dog on a leash... hope you heal well and quickly.
