Thursday, January 26, 2023

Mixed Media from Welcome Home Retreat Weekend

Watercolor, colored pencils, pens...
This purple-haired girl is wondering what is happening with my art style these days!
I'm not sure whether I'm having an art growth spurt, an art skill setback, or an art mid-life crisis! 
Torn bits of paper, stamps, bubble wrap blots, pen, acrylics, written words...
It's either a mess or a piece that you want to zoom in for a closer look.
I'm taking part in Life Book 2023 with WillowingArts30 different teachers from around the world with lessons each week.  
Who knows what will be next!
Collage papers, stencils and paint...
Weird how drawing and painting a person that's not really a specific portrait always ends up with bits of myself looking out from the paper. (Not the fish-scale looking forehead!)
Layers of cut colored paper, dabs of paint, white ink...
How does a frustrating mess of color blobs gel into a favorite with a few white doodles?

My art partners and I drove to Welcome Home Retreat in Weatherford, Texas for weekend.  We were creative and productive in the relaxed atmosphere they provide there.


  1. Oh goodness - so many fun experiments! I can see you are enjoying yourself!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. There is a lot of joy in your artwork. I like the mixed-media and textures.

    1. Oh, I do hope so! It makes me happy that you see joy.

  4. I love that pink and yellow doodle piece too! I seem to be in a pink and yellow phase this month (throws hands up) and I'm liking it. Maybe because it's been so very grey this winter? One day I hope to get to Welcome Home Retreat...

    1. Phases... We just move from one phase to another, don't we. Won't that be a fun weekend... the one where we meet up at Welcome Home Retreat?
