Sunday, January 1, 2023

A Donkey Named Turquoise

I keep looking at this colorful little painting and asking, "Did I do that?"
It's not my style... or is it?... or could it be?... maybe?

I've always admired artists who could just throw in unexpected colors and make it seem like they belonged there.
I found a YouTube artist, Lauren Elizabeth, who made it seem easy.
Just for the record, it wasn't easy... for me anyway. For one thing using acrylics is so different from oils! For another thing I was putting colors where they didn't belong... on purpose!  
What a challenge! What fun!
First attempt following along
the YouTube Lesson.

Second try in my art journal using
my dad's donkey, LeRoy, as a model.

It's not LeRoy's first time on canvas!

My weekly-ish painting challenge was "Unexpected Turquoise."
I was not planning to paint a donkey.
I was not planning to paint in a whole new style.
But... *Serendipity* 
When I wasn't even looking for it, I happened across a video that sparked an idea!

Original Acrylic Painting on 8"x 10" Canvas Board


  1. Doing something new and unexpected is energizing, isn't it? Even when it feels like it's not. Leroy is looking good in his new colors!

    1. I hope that 2023 is a year that unexpected and energizing are good descriptors for my art life.

  2. squee! LOVE it. I want a donkey, well maybe two donkeys. Love doing something not in the trad color, it makes you look at value

    1. I like donkeys, but I think I'll leave owning them to the real farmers! And, yes it does make you look carefully at value. That's always been hard for me.
