Monday, August 7, 2023

Choose Joy

I've been dreading doing this painting for a while.

When I first started painting back in February of 2007, I never ever dreamed that I'd do as many as 100 paintings. But... I just kept painting another then another then another.

Eventually I had to change my numbering system so that each painting number had three digits. And... I kept on painting.

I got to #500 and did a self portrait.  I got to #600 and did another self portrait Then I got to 660 and thought, "Yikes... I'm getting close to that dreaded number with all the sixes."  I finished painting #665 and knew what I was going to do for #667, but what to do between??? Skip it? Paint a canvas black? I knew I wouldn't want to sell it.

When I was spending some time with my sister, we were talking about personal mantras.  She and I both love "Choose Joy!" or "Today I Choose Joy!"  That's about as positive and opposite of the painting's sequence number as it can be.   
Perhaps I'll let this one dry then wrap it up and send it to her.  It will be a nice surprise. (Unless, she reads my blog, then she'll be watching for it.)

Original Oil Painting on 6"x 8" Wrapped Canvas


  1. So perfect! :) I'm amazed at even 100, much less over 600. (mouth in a great big O)

    1. Me too. I started at 42 years old, so I guess you can teach an old... er... a middle-aged dog new tricks!

  2. Great idea for the number you thought you might just skip, Helen!

    1. Thanks. Silly how much I stressed over what to do about that.
