Friday, December 1, 2023

Reindeer on December 23rd

Isn't he a handsome guy!
My Creative Companion topic was "Winter's Eve." Hmmm...Now I had to think about that one for quite a while. 
[My thinking process]
I didn't want to go Christmas-y, but I couldn't get away from the "Eve" part. 
According to my Google Merriam Webster:
1. evening  
2. the evening or day before a special day  
3. the period immediately preceding 

We see a couple or even a dozen deer every time we walk down our road in the evening... or 'eve.'  I think how cold they must be as winter nears.
I wonder what their "cousins" are up to at the North Pole as winter days are nearing their big night.
I remember being in Wyoming for my 50th birthday and going on a wagon ride through an elk reserve.  I asked why they would sit in the patches of snow when they didn't have to.  The guide told me they were hot with all their fur and were just trying to stay cool.

[My working process] is a great place to find free photos to use as references.  (Thanks to Frans van Heerden who took the reference photo I used.

I get the main lines on the canvas then start with the background. Before you know it, a reindeer is on my easel. My painting area has everything right where I need it. (Why do I have 100 different brushes when I use about 5? I don't know.) I love having a photo viewer.  (You can get one at any estate sale you go to. --I've picked up 5-6 over the years.--  It will most likely still be like new and in the box with the $129 price tag still attached.  You'll spend about $7.50 if you go on the last day of the sale when everything's priced to go.) I put my reference photo on a thumb drive and voila.  You can see I have another one on the right. (It has the reference drawing propped against it in this photo.)  There's a different reference photo on that one.

While I paint I usually listen to an audio book... or music, country or some 80s rock... Sometimes the television is on if it's evening and Ron's watching a ballgame or flicking through channels. Or, maybe, I'm letting my mind wander and wonder about what I'm painting and composing a little jingle in my head about it...

What do the reindeer do on the twenty-third?
They eat well, relax, walk through the snow
 take it easy, have a nap, and just lay low.

But what of the elves in charge of the herd?
They're the ones who must persist
 to tend to each detail on the long checklist.
They clean out each stable and muck every stall
 make last preparations for the next night's long haul. 
They bring plenty of water and hay and oats.
 massage sore muscles and brush shaggy coats.
They test every harness and each jingle bell.
trim every hoof and check antlers as well. 
There's much to take care of on the twenty-third 
when your an elf in charge of the reindeer herd.

For my companion piece, I thought I'd just whip out a watercolor of this reindeer... It was a disaster. So I thought I'd "fix" is with colored pencils... then pastels... then paint pens... All disasters... Finally used acrylics to cover all the previous attempts... Better, but pretty boring and near ready for the bin... But... then... I was thinking how my handsome guy had become so silly looking and thought how the reindeer must party after their big flight. How about a few stickers! Ha ha ha... a party animal!

My friend LeeAnna loved him, so I put him in the mail and sent him on his way to her.

Original Oil Painting on 9"x 12" Wrapped Canvas
Click Reindeer if you'd like to purchase this painting.


  1. Why do I have 100 fabrics and still go to a few favorites?? Haha. Your painting looks great. I'm not sure I understand what a photo viewer is yet!

    1. Ha ha! Thanks! A photo view is that electronic frame that adult grandchildren buy for their elderly grandparents so that they'll be able to see photos of their great grandchildren. The grandparents say, "Oh, thank you, that's wonderful, dear" and lay it aside. They have no intention of learning how to set it up, so it's brand new in the box at every estate sale. It's just waiting for an artist to pick up. If an artist is lucky there will still be the original thumb drive that the grandchildren put in showing the great-grandbabies and hoping that their grandparents would continue to add photos. So, the artist also gets a new thumb drive. She then deletes all the unknown baby photos and puts her reference photo in. Voila.

  2. Thank you for sharing your process! I laughed at your use of only 5 brushes out of 100. Sort of reminds me of my closet.

    1. Ha ha! I just keep thinking that I might start needing all of them!

  3. I love the story behind each one of these paintings, and I absolutely love that you've sent the 'morning after' one to LeeAnna. :-) I was fortunate enough to live on the western border of Elk Island National Park where I could see buffalo and elk on a pretty-much daily basis as I drove firto school or to town! But better yet is hearing the elk bugle in the fall--chills just remembering it. I think your first reindeer's name should be Eve. :-)

    1. I've never heard an elk bugle. Now I want to! It could be an "Eve." I googled it, and both males and females have antlers. :)

  4. Your process is amazing. Makes my failure at "sit down and start dabbing" attempt at acrylic painting years ago far more understandable - lol! I like both paintings!

    1. I think I like the process of painting better than having the finished painting. Is that bad?!
