Saturday, November 25, 2023

Stargazer Lily on a Stem

I've always loved stargazer lilies. They are easy to grow. They have a gorgeous bloom. They smell fabulous.  What's not to love!

I'm planning to teach another senior adult oil painting class soon, and this is what we'll work on.  Before I paint in front of a group, I want to be completely prepared so there are no surprises. (Well... there's always something unexpected, but I try to be as prepared as I can.)

Click the video below to watch the process in 1 minute.

Shifting gears a little bit... How about a completely different version!  I've recently become obsessed with "collage quilting." I didn't even know that it was a thing or that there was a name for it.  I first became aware of it when my blog friend LeeAnna showed one that she'd done.
I hesitate to show it because so many of my blog friends are real quilters, and I'm aware that mine is so elementary.  Oh, well; comparison is the thief of joy.  I loved making it and love how it turned out.

Original Oil Painting on 6"x 8"
This one will be available for sale after it gets used as an example in the class.


  1. Both the paint AND the fabric versions are AWESOME, Helen!!

  2. Oh-oh-oh!! I'm so proud of you, playing with fabric! Both versions are sublime, by the way. I hope the class goes well!

    1. How about that! Just little bits of color in the right places!

  3. Well look at you, not only a video maker, but also now going in a new direction. Thinking you have plenty of fabrics to choose from we this will be an enjoyable trip to watch.

    1. I got a new sewing machine a year or so ago and have so enjoyed experimenting and playing. And, yes! I have soooo much fabric that needs to be used!
