Thursday, November 2, 2023

I Like Thursday 11/23

Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like turning in to my driveway... especially in fall.
I like having a dozen happy hens... and Pete (the rooster).
Don't count too carefully... Just pretend there are only 12.
I like knowing I've been trained in CPR & AED.
Boy, I hope I never need to use either though!
I like discovering mushrooms that popped up overnight.
I like okra blossoms.  They're the prettiest.
I like what happens to the trees in our yard during fall.
I like a sitting outside by the chiminea on a crisp fall evening.
I like living where we never know who will show up in the yard.
(But, I don't like that our neighbor drained his pond
and all these guys are searching for a new home.)
I like what happens to the trees in our yard during fall.
Wait... Did I already say that? Well, it's worth saying again.

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

Would you rather go on a hayride or visit a corn maze? Hayride - 100%. Why? No offense to corn mazes,b but I'm five feet tall... stores aisles, library shelves, crowds... I can never see over the top of anything... My whole life is a corn maze. 
Have you ever done either one?  Yes, several as a teenager. Do you have stories to tell?  Yes, but maybe I'll not. 😜

Would you rather go apple picking or carve pumpkins at home? Yes, both!
Have you done either or both of these? Yes, I've carved pumpkins, but I've never picked apples at an orchard.  I'd love to! Do you always get pumpkins in the fall? Now, that I have grandkids, I imagine we'll always have some pumpkins to carve. Or grow them yourself? No. I don't have the space required for a pumpkin patch.  I tried growing pumpkins on the hillside once.  The deer enjoyed eating the blossoms very much.  Do you keep the insides for eating?  No. Not a fan of pumpkin. Remember any pumpkins that caught your eye in your area? I think it's fun when a farmer paints the end of a round hay bale to look like a jack-o-lantern.

Would you rather attend a Harvest festival or an Oktoberfest party? I'll choose harvest festival... even though I don't really know what that is.

Would you rather go leaf peeping in New England or see the Thanksgiving Day parade in NYC? I've never heard the phrase "leaf peeping," but I love that!  I choose that!  We have our own fabulous leaves right here in Arkansas, but I'd love to drive through New England in autumn. When my son's band marched in the Thanksgiving Day Parade in 2009, we were there.  We arrived 5 (yes five) hours early to stand on the parade route.  By the time it started the crowds behind us were 5 people deep.  Did I mention I've never been so cold in my whole life?

Would you rather host a cheese and wine night or a cookie decorating party?  Since I don't love cheese and I don't drink wine, I suppose I'd go to the cookie party. Can't go wrong with cookies!!


  1. Hi Helen! Oh, your driveway is gorgeous and those trees are worthy of commenting on their gorgeous colors twice! Aww, I feel badly for the turtles - I hope they find a new safe place to call home. I have to agree about never needing to use my CPR training! Yikes. Happy Thursday to you. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    1. When we built our house in 2001, it was winter. What lovely surprises we got as the trees showed off first in spring then again in autumn.
      And, as for the homeless turtles... pretty sure they're all coming to move in with their relatives in our pond.

  2. You do hace pretty fall colors in your area, and I love that photo of your drive. I didn't know okra blossoms were so pretty! 5 hours for a parade, 5 people deep, and you are 5 feet tall - hmm - the things we do for our kids, eh? Great post - fun to read! (Surely you have room for a little pond for the turtles??? - haha)

    1. Hey! We DO have a pond, and it does have plenty of turtles! I think their relatives are moving in now. (That hillside that the chickens are on in the photo above... that's the side of the pond... full-of-turtles-probably pond.)

  3. Your driveway is a delight for the eyes!

    1. Oh, it really is... was... We tried to enjoy it to the fullest. Some rain and wind caused the leaves to begin falling.

  4. lol, "my life is a corn maze!" Fun answers, and how cozy your driveway looks, and the chiminea and popcorn on a brisk night, although I am highly allergic to wood smoke so I'd have to avoid that part... awe do the chooks eat the mushrooms? can they tell a poisonous one from a good one? we used to have an annual turtle march through our Maryland yard

    1. Glad you got a chuckle out of my "corn-maze-like life!" Ha ha ha!
      No the chickens seem to have zero interest in the mushrooms.

  5. Loved your photos. And your opinions on mazes made me laugh!

    1. Ha ha... You like that? Oh, well... being short does have it's advantages... like... You aren't cramped for leg space on tight airplane seating... If you teach 4th grade (like I did for 32 years) the chairs fit perfectly... I'm trying to think of what else... Ha ha ha!

  6. "My whole life is a corn maze" - LOL! Your yard and foliage are just beautiful. We are just now getting a tiny bit of turning color. The fire and popcorn look so inviting. I'd need a lap blanket. And boots. And something to keep my neck warm (I've turned into my mother). I agree about the okra flower - it is kind of hibiscus-like.

    1. We do turn into our mothers!
      We try to fully enjoy the leaf color when it's here. A hard rain or two with gusty winds, and it's gone.

  7. The beauty of Autumn leaves is definitely worth repeating, Helen. You captured some lovely photos of the ones in your yard!

    1. We did try to fully embrace their colors while they lasted. Now those colors are scattered on the ground... still pretty.
