Thursday, February 22, 2024

Paint-iversary 17 years ago today...

My first painting...
17 years ago today.

It's not often that when we say something "changed my life," that we really mean it.
I was so nervous walking into that first painting lesson 17 years ago.  I wasn't a painter. I didn't even consider myself artistic. I was just 42 and found myself with a little extra time to try something since my youngest was old enough to drive himself.

I was so unbelievably proud of this painting.  It actually did look like trees!
I am forever grateful to my teacher and friend.

Oil painting on 8"x 10" Canvas Board
Not available for sale... This one's priceless... :)



  1. Happy Paint-aversary! I'm so glad you mustered up the courage to walk in to that class. I smile each time I look up and see one of your paintings around my house!

  2. Love your word - "paint-iversary". How wonderful to have your first painting!! I was 50 when I first tried acrylics, and the only thing I have left of that experience is a love of gesso - lol! I do remember the nerves and the rush of adrenalin and the way I would look forward to and lose myself in it, the shopping for tubes of paint and those wonderful paint names - all good things. I see your teacher has a store in Shawnee, OK. Did you attend a class or do it online?

    1. Thanks! Cheri lived here in Fayetteville while her husband was minister to adults in our church. When he retired, they moved back to Oklahoma where they had roots. I went to her basement studio every Monday evening for several years. Now the two of us do a Weekly-ish painting and "paint together" that way.

  3. Whoo knew the love affair would begin.

    1. I had no idea... no idea at all. But, I'm so glad!
