Thursday, August 1, 2024

I Like Thursday (8/24)

I like having a visitor show up on the porch, giving him a snack.
 Fancy-like and her (big) chicks weren't sure about the visitor.
I like pickles... but this much?  Can I eat these in a year?
And there's another batch in the making?! 
The garden gave me sooooo many cucumbers this year!

 I like taking a photo of my harvest every day.
I like making these fun little quilted zipper bags. 
I started sewing a bag for my great nieces and nephews each year
at our family reunion when there were just 6 of them. 
Now there are 36!

 I like that every part of my garden is surrounded by a fence...
You can see why...
I like the colors and shapes of each day's harvest.

I like this crazy cat. 
He want to be a part of any project, every project.
I like spending 4 days at Lake Ouachita with my family each year.
This was our 34th year. 
There were 25 of us then. There are 70 of us now. 60 were able to be there. 

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

Which events do you watch more on the summer Olympics?  I haven't even watched one minute of the Olympics. Sometimes life just takes over and decides your schedule. Sitting down in front of a television hasn't been part of it.  Did you ever think you had a shot at competing in any sport? Never. Which one is closest to something you might be able to do well? Ha! Nothing! 

Would you like being part of the group of competitors? No. They've given up so many of life's many choices in order to do one specific thing the best. I wouldn't want to have spent my life so focused on one thing. Staying in the Olympic village?  Nah. Meeting people from all over the world? Sure. I love that they are kind in competition, and  respect each other. :) Have you ever
gone to view the Olympics?  I haven't.

How are you coping with the heat dome this year?  I work in the garden (picking, weeding, trimming) early mornings or evenings after there's shade. I am grateful for air conditioning.

What is your favorite meal of the day?  Is it acceptable to say it depends? Ok... I'll go with breakfast.  I make an omelet for Ron nearly every morning. (I have the eggs, and I have all the things that go in an omelet... see photos above!) We have breakfast and do two puzzles together, New York Times Wordle and Connections. Do you have a favorite food for
that meal?  This time of year, it's a sandwich layered as follows: toast, tomato, bacon, tomato, a little scrambled egg, toast. 


  1. You sure have a community of wildlife at your little slice of heaven! I love the puzzled chickens (are we supposed to eat that thing, or ??)! You have lovely garden art, and a very helpful and purrfect art companion. Those bags are amazing! What a fun annual gathering, too - fun to see the photo of all of you!

    1. We do have a lot of wildlife! Right now, I think there's pretty smart coon who's helping himself to some chicken food in the bin each night. It was a great gathering, and the weather was perfect this year! As for that photo... we did it right after lunch one day and did it in a hurry because those teenagers and kids didn't want to miss a minute of their boat time or pool time. I see some families that all dress in the same color and have their hair combed... uhhh... I don't think that's ever going to happen in our family.

  2. I like everything about your post! Such a beautiful garden and produce! Chickens! Pickles...yum! It's wonderful that your reunions are so well attended! And those candy quilted zipper bags! Adorable!

    1. Well, that just makes sense... It's a post about what "I like." Since you and I are of kindred spirit, it makes sense that we'd both "like" the same things!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! I guess why that's why I feel like each harvest deserves a photo! :)

  4. Your garden photos are just lovely and yummy looking! And all those eggs, too. An omelet a day would make sense! Love the photo of the chickens checking out the turtle! We work on the Wordle and Connections with our glass of wine each evening, and I like the mini-Crossword puzzle, too.

    1. I have such fun with my garden harvests each evening. Silly, I know. We give away lots of eggs. If you were close, I'd happily send over a dozen to you! The first evening after I retired, I asked my husband to hand me the crossword puzzle from the newspaper. That was the first time, and we've worked one almost every day since.

  5. My garden gave me lots of cukes last year, but not this year. I was looking forward to making pickles. We'll see if the tomato crop picks up. I like all those harvest photos. :-)

    1. You never know which vegetable will be amazing and which will be so-so. My jalapenos aren't doing well this year. That's fine, they did so well last year that there's still some in the freezer. If you were close, I'd sure share a jar of pickles! (And, some great big zucchini!)

  6. Here's the link to site where I got the idea. I didn't follow her instructions exactly, made some modifications that I liked better. (Is that any surprise? That's kind of how I follow a recipe too.) But she demonstrates it in a very easy way.

  7. Oh those veggies looks to DELICIOUS!!! I love how you made veggie art with them too. We also do Wordle every morning. I have a hard time with Connections. We also do Strands and the Mini Crossword puzzle. I am amazed by your family reunion. Do you stay at a resort? Have a great week and enjoy those cukes!

    1. We've learned that Connections gets easier with practice. We don't always get it though! You asked if we're at a resort... Well, if your idea of the meaning of "resort" is a fancy place or a beautifully manicured place. Then no, not at all. However, if your idea of "resort" is that you never have to leave because there's a lake, boats, a pool, food, lodging, and fun, then yes.
