Sunday, August 25, 2024

Spilled Peaches

What is happening to me with this crazy palette knife craze?
Perhaps I'm just in a style phase and it will pass.  
I hope not, because I love it.
What would Thomas Decker think? Would he be horrified? 
I hope not.
Basket of Peaches, oil on canvas, c. 1885, Joseph Decker
I can't fully explain why, but of all the wonderful and amazing works of art in Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art here in Northwest Arkansas, it's my favorite painting.
I suppose it's because there's an elegant simplicity about it.
Whenever we visit other museums, I always look to see if one of his paintings is there.
I used it as inspiration and set up my own basket of peaches still life.
I painted these versions in 2012 and 2020.

ME: (after opening my file of still life images for peaches) Hon, which one should I use?
RON: They all look the same.
ME: No! Look they have different backgrounds and different arrangements.
RON: Ok. The red one.
ME: Which red one? Red on the table? Or red on the background.
RON: Um, the  first one.
ME: But, it doesn't have very good shadow in the background.
RON: Then the next one.
ME: Well, it only has two peaches in front.  Don't you like three better?
RON: Sure.
ME: What color of background then?
RON: Why do you ask me this?

Ha ha... Good question. Why do I ask him?

The reason I revisited my Peach Still Life Folder? My Weekly-ish painting challenge was "Just Peachy." 

Original Oil Painting on 11"x 14" Wrapped Canvas
Click Spilled Peaches if you'd like to purchase this painting.


  1. Haha - love the conversation between you and Ron. He is a wise man, saying just enough to help you process your choices! I'd love to see this painting in real life - I like your palette work!

    1. It's true, isn't it! Poor guys that are our partners in art even if it isn't their choosing!

  2. I think Thomas Decker would be flattered. Or maybe jealous. All of your peach paintings look magnificent to me. Palette work really suits you. Your Ron and my Guy sound a lot alike. ;)

  3. Ha, I can totally relate you your process...and, of course, the conversation afterwards! I also enjoy revisiting compositions done in the past. All of your paintings are beautiful.
