Thursday, September 5, 2024

I Like... 9/24

Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like these feathered friends.
The red ones - Foxy, Pip, Jolene. The gray ones - Ruby Jean, Pauline. They white one - Ellie. The yellow ones - Trudi, Judy, Beauty. The black & white one - Vindegaard. The brown one - Twinkle. Not shown - Fancy-like, Marie, Masie. And... the rooster - Pete
I like lining the back porch with all the houseplants during summer. 
They like it too.
I like cooking with fresh herbs. I like having them so convenient.
I like tomato-bacon-tomato sandwiches.
I like having forest friends. If they're smart enough to open the hens food bin and help themselves, they'll get a surprise they probably won't.
 knowing that autumn is coming. How?
The squirrels sit in the big hickory tree tossing down the nut hulls. 
You can hear them hit the deck like rain, and you cannot walk on the deck without shoes.
I like seeing the couple of leaves that hint to what's coming!
I like seeing deer nearly every day.
I like finding a tiny little egg. 
That means that one of the two chicks is officially a hen now.
(Interesting farmer's wife tale fact:
I know it's Marie because she has goldish legs.
Maisy had grayish legs, so her eggs will be blue.)

I like these two guys who keep the yard around the garden tidy. 
I also like that some of the plants are finished for the year.
Garden season isn't over, but it's slowing down.
I like these jump stumps behind my garden.  
We were so tired of splitting logs from the big tree a couple of years ago.
We "'hid" these behind the garden. I had a bunch of old paint to use up.
Voila! The grand kids love jumping from one to the other.

I like having chickens in the backyard. They're so funny.
I like the colors of the harvests.
I like my outdoor office space.

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

What calming exercises have you successfully used in the past to maintain a level mood?
Hmmm... This is a trickier one this month! Pretty personal... Of course it depends on the situation.  ... Let's see... a level mood...
I play a game of Double Free Cell on the computer.  
I write in my personal journal.
I sing "Peace Like a River." 
If you've seen the play "Hamilton," you'll know that Aaron Burr is pretty much the bad guy.  He does, after all,  shoot Alexander Hamilton and kill him.  But, I did like his advice in the very beginning. He said, "Smile more. Talk Less." 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Cardinals at Sunrise

My Weekly-ish Challenge was to paint with only three primary colors and white. It's kind of amazing what can be created just with those colors.
I started by mixing them making a little color wheel.
It's just a tiny little painting, but it looks great all dressed up in a vintage frame.
(Ok... let's be honest about the definition of vintage... It doesn't sound very pleasant to say "junky old thing that you that's been in a box in a box at the back of the closet.")
So, anyhoo... I found a great vintage wood frame and gave it a fresh coat of paint, perfect to go around this sweet little painting.
Original Oil Painting on 5"x 7" Canvas Board, Framed.
Click Sunrise Cardinals if you'd like this lovely little painting.