Monday, September 2, 2024

Cardinals at Sunrise

My Weekly-ish Challenge was to paint with only three primary colors and white. It's kind of amazing what can be created just with those colors.
I started by mixing them making a little color wheel.
It's just a tiny little painting, but it looks great all dressed up in a vintage frame.
(Ok... let's be honest about the definition of vintage... It doesn't sound very pleasant to say "junky old thing that you that's been in a box in a box at the back of the closet.")
So, anyhoo... I found a great vintage wood frame and gave it a fresh coat of paint, perfect to go around this sweet little painting.
Original Oil Painting on 5"x 7" Canvas Board, Framed.
Click Sunrise Cardinals if you'd like this lovely little painting.


  1. It is a sweet little painting! Your challenges sound like fun. You have inspired me to buy a little cheap Michael's acrylic paint pack and some tiny canvases. Just to play! :D

    1. Yes, yes, yes! You must show me what you come up with!
