Thursday, February 6, 2025

I Like... (2/25)

 Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like my backyard in every season.  
By the way... the hens were NOT interested in coming out and enjoying the snow.
I like a good snow day... even if I am retired!
I like these two guys! 

I like having an amaryllis to brighten up winter. 

I like catching up with friends I haven't seen in a while.

I like Magic Kingdom... and EPCOT...
and Animal Kingdom... and Hollywood Studios...
in every kind of weather!

I like these sweet little hens. Only 6 these days.
Fancy-Like, Pauline, Twinkle, Ruby Jean, Eleanor, Marie

I like sharing our space with our deer.  
They just lay down and watch me through my kitchen windows.
I suppose I'm entertaining.

I like having chickens... but who laid this itsy-bitsy green one!

LeeAnne's  get-to-know-you writing topics this month:

What’s one of the most exciting things you’ve done in life so far? The first thing that comes to my mind is that I got to spend 10 days in villages in Indonesia about 6 years ago.  I got to participate in three different schools, with different community groups, and in an orphanage.

What is something you have always wanted to try but haven’t yet?  I'd like to write for publication.

Do you give yourself the same compassion and understanding that you give to your family and friends? Yes, I think I do.

Do you compliment your mate and does he compliment you? What kind of compliment feels best to you, and to him? Ha ha... I misread it as "complement."  We do complement each other.  He's good at the things I'm not, and I'm good at doing the things he's not. It works out just fine. And, yes, he does compliment me, my cooking, my art all the time.  He's a keeper.


  1. You have a cozy little corner in the world, there. Your two guys are looking content and happy. Fun post to read! (And that little egg - so cute, but who??)

    1. Yes. It is a cozy corner of the world. (Although the flu has made it a coughing corner of the world lately.)

  2. Maybe that bitty egg is actually a peanut M&M disguised as an egg? Love the photo of your guys. Your amaryllis blooms are gorgeous.

    1. Hmmm... I don't think I'll pop it in my mouth and expect chocolate!
      I always bought an amaryllis for my dad each Christmas. He had such a good time watching it. Now, I buy one each year because I have a good time watching it.

  3. Your amaryllis is gorgeous. Mine hasn't bloomed yet. I hope it does before we go on vacation.

    1. It did put on a beautiful show! I've seen that you can do some things to make them bloom again. I've never tried. Have you?

  4. Pretty snow! We've finally been getting some, too! I can see why you like those two guys. ;-) What an itty bitty egg!

    1. It's nice to get a pretty snow each year. It's especially nice if there's no ice along with it.

  5. I can tell he's a keeper from his smile with your cat. And the easy way you fit together.
    the eggs are just grand colors.

    1. ooops, forgot to sign the above post, LeeAnna

    2. Yeah, I kind of have Easter eggs all year!
