Saturday, January 22, 2011

Love & Kisses Reflected

Remember Valentine's Day when you were a kid?

I always get a kick out of watching my students at the school valentine party.  After they get settled with their treats, they open each little card.  The cards all kind of say the same thing, but they love them!  I just sort of walk around and listen.  "Ooo.. this one says love!" "Hey, nobody signed this one!  Who's it from?"  "I got three that are just alike!" They rip off any candy that has been taped on and throw away all the envelopes.  Then they put them all back into the valentine bag they've made.  I know they'll reread them, organize them, and put them in a special place at home.  Fun...

Enjoy some fun Etsy treasuries (collections of vintage items and art pieces) that include ""Love & Kisses Reflected."  Click Sealed with a KissKissesOpposites Attract and Valentine Day: Red, Pink, Purple... to  have a look!  

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you are all ready for valentines day -Just lovely !!
