Original Oil Painting on 12"x 24" Wrapped Canvas
There grow Hollyhocks at the home where we abode, and there came a mighty Rain, with a great Wind, and the Hollyhocks were Beaten Down so that they lay flat. And Keturah said, Behold how they begin to lift themselves again. And she put her hand under one of them, and lifted it gently, as she would have lifted a little child that had stumbled and fallen, and the Hollyhock stood up. And she lifted another likewise. And Keturah said, it is even so with Folks. Therefore we made a covenant that as we walk where the storms of life have beaten, we will Lift Up every flower of God that hath fallen, and not trample upon it nor despise it, but seek to make if fit to bloom in the Garden of God. (William E. Barton Safed the Sage. Paraphrased)
I shared this parable at the 50th Anniversary of my great aunt and uncle who epitomized this in their lives. Hollyhocks grew in Oklahoma where I grew up, and Helen's beautiful painting reminds me of my rural home and the lesson of the Hollyhocks.
ALLovely words...
Teddy, the Horse Who Loved Peppermints |
Teddy, the Horse Who Loved Peppermints
Teddy.....the friend a middle school girl had when she felt abandoned by her peers.....he’d listen and walk and trot and gallop and take walks through the woods of Camp YNoah. 17 hands tall. Great for adults and gentle enough for children, so he was used a lot. We leased him for her 13th birthday and bought him when it was time for him to retire from camp work. We moved him to Merestead Farm where he had a stall to stay warm in the winter and got special food because of his needs. He lived out the rest of his life being cared for and pampered with his friends Shrek, Glenda , and Ellie. When turned out, he would start to walk away even if you would call out for him to come back. Start to open a starlight mint, and he would stop in his tracks and turn.......silly boy. Silly wonderful gentle Teddy. Loved and missed dearly.Original Oil Painting on 12"x 16" Wrapped Canvas
Patience the Cow |
"The barn was very large. It was very old. It smelled of hay and it smelled of manure. It smelled of the perspiration of tired horses and the wonderful sweet breath of patient cows. It often had a sort of peaceful smell - as though nothing bad could happen ever again in the world. It smelled of grain and of harness dressing and of axle grease... But mostly it smelled of hay."...Sigh...