Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Signs of Spring Here on Serendipity!

One daffodil showed up first.
There will be more every day now.
Grow little onions! Grow!
They're covered with soil now.  
I'll be watching for green shoots soon.
What a lovely surprise! Crocuses!  
They came in a gift basket from my daughter last Mother's Day. 
After they finished blooming, I put the bulbs in the flower row.
Yay, they came back!
Another surprise... 
One of our "hens" has grown really big... and has long green tail feathers... 
and struts around like a boss... and has started crowing before dawn...
We call him Bob.
Seed trays are in the room with the most sun!
Can you guess the reason we have to keep that door closed?
Happy hens! (And, Bob.)
Spring cleaning should also be a sign of spring, but see those precious little handprints on the glass panels? I discovered them a while back. Since the little one who put them there has moved so far away, I don't have the heart to wipe them off!

Happy Spring!


  1. Awww, those little hand prints just tugged (ha, I mis-typed and it started gu..which made me think of gutted which also works. tugged at my heart/gutted me. I can relate. With dog nose prints too. You are definitely a lot further south than me and a lot further into spring than me! We won't see daffodils bloom for another 3 weeks I imagine. The snowdrops I dug up from the green path down the centre or our 'loop' have come up! They aren't as sturdy as the mama plants but I'm happy to have flowers blooming in my garden. Love seeing the seed trays and later the bounty. :-) Bob! uh oh...

    1. Yeah... those little prints do make me happy/sad.
      It's always a joy to watch spring come, but this year in particular, I think we're all ready for fresh starts, crawling out of our hibernation/pandemic spots, and appreciating being in the world again.

  2. Bob?! Haha - I'll bet those hens are happy! We'd definitely have to keep the door closed here if we had those seeds in the house, too! I wouldn't wash those little handprints off either! Font is bigger!!
