Tuesday, May 9, 2023

She Shed

Sometimes I know exactly what I want to paint... have a reference photo that I want to recreate on canvas... have an idea that I want to convey in a painting... know the direction for the creation I'm working on.
And... then... sometimes... just no... the process has a mind of its own.

In the beginning I thought I was going to paint some kind of rock house - nope... maybe there would be vines on the walls - nope... flowers hanging over the door - nope...  possibly a path through the yard - nope... a window and window box on the wall - nope... probably mostly purple - nope.

I want to show the reference photo that drew me in.  It was not at all what I was looking for... But!  Oh, there's a windchime just like the one that hangs from my back porch!  And, a bird feeder just like ours!  And, a bluebird house!  And, two long planters exactly like the two I have!  And, a hummingbird feeder like the four we have! (For my friends who live much farther north than I do, you'll laugh that I wondered what the big flat shovel would be good for.) Then I zoomed in to those fabulous latches and hinges. Even with all that, I didn't intend to use it... until I started.  I didn't intend to make all the changes I did... They just sort of happened. I had several other choices with much more beautiful doors, yet I kept coming back to this one.  It's the one that drew me in... the one that had a story... the one that made my mind wander... and wonder...

Thanks to Sara  (my good good friend who lives 1,700 miles away and I've never met in person) for having what I need when I text looking for a just-right reference photo.

My Weekly-ish Art Challenge was "Doors & Windows."  I hope my image tells a story... makes your mind wander and wonder...

Original Oil Painting on 11"x 14" Wrapped Canvas
Click She Shed if you'd like to purchase this painting.


  1. I enjoyed this post, reading how your mind wanders and processes and the beauty that you end up with! I hope you did a study of doors while in Santa Fe - the turquoise door makes me think of being there!

    1. Thanks! Actually I did take photos of doors and windows when we were in Sante Fe.

  2. I couldn't sign in to comment...I'll have to check to see what's going on. Anyway, I love your she shed! It's always so wonderful to see what you come up with when you use one of my images as a jumping off point.

    1. Oh, Sara! I love having you as a creative partner now and again!

  3. Ooh that turquoise door! The scroll woodwork details, and pops of red. Love it but what I especially love is how this piece went where it wanted to and not where you thought it would!

    1. Thanks! Isn't it just the best when that happens! Well, maybe frustrating in the middle, but I'm learning to trust the process.
