Thursday, July 6, 2023

I Like Thursday 7/23

Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like seeing the colorful things that come from my garden.

I like berry-picking season.
I like (Well, I don't know that I really "like" it, but it's interesting
and kind of cool and mildly weird to see.) when it starts to get
hot and huge turtles come to our side yard to lay eggs.
I like being able to crop my photos so that the world doesn't
have to know that my cat wants to be a part of
every single project, craft, or photo.
I like these huge squash leaves! By the way... if anyone
needs squash or zucchini, I'm your girl...
(Oh, my goodness, what am I going to do with all these?)
I like, no I love this random sunflower (that I didn't plant)
that decided to grow and stand guard over my whole garden.
I like spending a weekend with my sister at Welcome Home Retreat.
Three whole days of creating, visiting, and relaxing.
I did several watercolor pieces during my stay.
I like  seeing these little handprints on my backdoor. 
They show that there are 6 tiny humans who've been in Gram-E's kitchen.
I like the way this giant sycamore stump is starting a new life!
(The top photo was the end of April.  The bottom was the end of June.)

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? who makes it? soft serve or dipped? Do you buy it in the huge box or a pint at a time?  My flavor of choice depends on where we get it.  Coldstone: Cake batter ice cream with almonds and Heath bar toppings. Shakes: Snickers. Dairy Queen: Cookies & cream. Braum's: Chocolate almond. Home: Vanilla with raspberries. 
Tell us about a favorite memory from childhood of eating ice cream.  When I was very little, our treat after church on Sunday evenings was to stop at Tastee Freeze and get an ice cream cone with a swirl on top.  Then they went up from 10 cents each to 15 cents each, and we no longer got to go every week.

Remember the ice cream truck driving around your neighborhood in summer? Did you go out with your money, stand in line and get a treat? Remember how it felt to go out on your own and leave with that three colored popsicle or the chocolate coated vanilla on a stick? What was your favorite frozen treat? Is there an ice cream truck that still goes around your neighborhood? I  grew up on a dirt road in the country, so there was no such thing as an ice cream truck.  We did make popsicles though.  We had a little Tupperware mold that we'd pour Kool-aid in to freeze.


  1. Oh my gosh I busted out laughing at the kitty getting cropped - yes, here too! :D I love photos of your garden and land, everything looks so inviting. I think we only ever got burgers at Tastee Freeze, I don't even remember the ice cream. Shame it went up to 15 cents. ;)

    1. I should be annoyed with the cat, but somehow I always think it's cute that he's annoying!

  2. What a lovely yard you have! Squash and zucchini can get away from you! I have a neighbor that gives me some of her extra. I make zucchini cake, brownies, fried zucchini, etc.

    1. I think no one should have to pay for squash or zucchini because there is some gardener who is trying to give it away! I've tried several recipes, but zucchini cake and brownies??? Hmmm???

  3. Gotta love orange kitties, they just need to be in the middle of everything! We had those Tupperware popsicle molds, too, but hardly used them (not sure why). I think you should make a print with one of those squash leaves!

    1. I'm guessing we didn't use them much because our mom's got tired of what a mess they made! Kool-aid dripping in the freezer... on the counter... down our arms...

  4. I like the handprints too! We are on the same page in that!

    1. Aren't they sweet! I'm not in a hurry to get the bottle of Windex after that door.

  5. Oh, all those berries look fantastic!

    1. You'll just have to trust me... They were!

  6. Wow! You are getting an abundance of color from your garden! Your berries look luscious! Your watercolor pieces are beautiful!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm counting on that garden color turning more red in July! The tomatoes are turning!
