Wednesday, September 20, 2023

All Tangled Up

I gave the cat the box of yarn and got my camera ready.  The cat, who wants to get into everything I have, was wary... He probably sensed that I wanted him to play in the yarn, get all tangled up... So he sat and looked at it for a long time. Finally, I took out a ball and rolled it around.  He watched it roll then decided he needed a bath so started licking his paw. Really, Buff... Are you kidding me? 
He did finally decide to play.

When I got out the embroidery thread to make the companion piece, he was very much interested in getting a paw on that.

She bought a triangle bangle.
She liked that it dangled and jangled.

 It would hang from the collar of kitty.

He fought the triangle bangle!
He hated the dangle and jangle! 

She angled her brow and cooed and kissed.
He arched his back and spat and hissed! 

She finally took pity and wrangled poor kitty.

The bangle was tangled, his feelings were mangled,
But she really did like the spangly bangle.

With a twist of her wrist, the cat was dismissed.
Though tangled and mangled, she couldn't resist.

She looked in the mirror and thought it was pretty.
Then stroked the neck of collarless kitty.

Our challenge for Creative Companions this week was "Tangled."

Original Oil Painting on 6"x 8" Wrapped Canvas.
Click Kitty & Yarn if you'd like to purchase this piece.