Saturday, April 13, 2019

R.J.'s Dinosaur Mural

"Mom, we were wondering if you'd do a painting for us... Something to go over his bed... Maybe something with dinosaurs...?  It's a big blank wall."

I am on it!
It's a DREAMI (DRop Everything And Make It!) project!
One day everything is as normal as ever then... Surprise! ...all sorts of amazing happens!
Click HERE if you want to read the precious story of the arrival of our grandson.

Original Acrylic Paintings on 24"x 8", 24"x 12", 24"x 24", 24"x 12", 24"x 8"


  1. What a lovely story about your grandson's arrival! Your paintings are perfect for that wall above his bed!

    1. Thank you, and yes... it's a beautiful story. We love him so!

  2. So glad you had a squirrel moment, and that it is for this reason, and whoa, did you ever chase a big fat old squirrel and caught him but good! It looks so so good on the wall above his crib! :-)

    1. Thank you so much, Sandra! It was a great reason to "chase a squirrel." I bet the mural will look even better with him in the bed below it... Hmmm... I wouldn't know because I never put him down when I'm there with him!!! :D

  3. Oops, and thank you for linking up!!

  4. What an honor, to be asked to paint a mural for your grandson to see every day! I would have dropped everything right then, too!

  5. What a sweet story of your grandson! Congratuations! Best reason ever for a DrEAMi. The mural is delightful—all the more striking for the way that you divided it up into 5 parts.

    1. Yes, sweet story... and sweet little one. We love him so!
      It was fun to do five separate paintings that came together to be one scene. I knew that a three canvas painting was called a triptych, but I learned that a five canvas painting is called a pentaptych! How about that for a vocabulary word!
