Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kitchen Counter in August

I love the way the kitchen counters look in August.
Harvest... a little different every day...
Always a sense of satisfaction to see it there on the counter.

Not getting many eggs since 1 hen is old and 2 are new mamas.
We'll see if this bread & butter pickle recipe is delicious.
So many cucumbers this year!

The deer tried, but I won that battle! 
Kraut is one of those things you either love or hate... no in between.
Full disclosure... The cabbages were from my sister's garden.
Spaghetti sauce for the freezer.
Tomatoes with basil, oregano, chives, onions from my "pot garden"...

Because I grow herbs in pots!
A few pretty little marigolds to bring the outside in.
They always remind me of my mother.
Maybe I should paint them.


  1. Such goodness here! I'll be right over. :-) There is something about growing one's own food, no pesticides, eating when ripe, or canning without all the additives, that is so refreshing and gratifying. PS I LOVED the previous post, your mamas and babies and especially the photo of proud Mama you to the hens!

    1. Yes, yes, and yes! If only you were a dozen hours closer... :)

  2. I love all the colors and flaboufl here! You should paint the marigolds, so beautiful!

    1. Yes, I love all the colors and flavors of summer... but you know I'll say that about spring and autumn and winter too... :)

  3. Yum you are making me hungry. Somebody is going to be eating really well through the winter
