Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Piece of Cake

We arrived at Welcome Home Retreat on a Thursday afternoon.  We enjoyed a good supper together, set up our work stations, then each worked on a small piece.  I finished my "Little Red Hen."  The entire next day was dedicated to our big painting.  Besides meals, we basically did nothing else.  By bedtime, "Field of Blue Flowers" looked pretty fabulous, if I do say so myself.  

The project we chose for Saturday morning was meant to be a simple one.  It was easy as pie; literally, it was a piece of cake... 

We chose this lesson from YouTube because it said it was meant to be painted in one sitting, alla prima.  The guy was a very good teacher and explained  every step. This was my first time to use impasto. It's a "goo" that you mix in the paint to thicken it and make a very textured surface. It made the icing look like icing... like you'd want to stick your finger in it and have a lick. I love the look and feel of the finished piece, but honestly, I did not like using impasto at all. 

To sum up the weekend, we ate... painted.. laughed... slept... painted... ate... painted... laughed... painted... ate... painted... laughed... painted... ate... painted... laughed... painted... slept...... just keep repeating that...

I always show my paintings, so how about a look at some of the meals Welcome Home Retreat put in front of us!

Gorgeous AND delicious!

We did find a little time to enjoy the farm friends who live on the grounds there.

These two tom turkeys were the funniest things!  They'd come to the widow of our workroom and have a look at what we were doing!  They'd puff out all their feathers to look as big and manly as possible strutting around.  Every time we'd laugh, they'd gobble to cover over our laughter.  So, of course we'd ha ha ha just to make them gobble gobble gobble again and again!

And how about this rooster!  I think they said his name was Thor.  What a beauty!  I think he may have to end up on a canvas one of these days.

Oil Painting on 8"x 8" Wrapped Canvas


  1. Your posts are getting more and more interesting! Love them all!
