Sunday, January 26, 2020

Buff the Magic Kitten


  • finding something wonderful when you're not even looking for it.
  • the phenomenon of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for
  • an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident
  • allowing for chance finds, and accepting that what is found is not necessarily what was being looked for
The forecast called for snow or sleet, and it was below freezing. The cat and dog were in their beds, the fire was dying, and were locking up for the night... but we heard a little meow... odd... There it was again... Ron opened the front door to a little buff colored shivering kitty.  He closed the door again... "Meow..." I texted a few neighbors... No one knew of a missing buff colored kitten... And, no one offered to come pick it up from our porch. "Meow..." Ron said, "Well, we can't just let it freeze." He opened the door and picked it up.  It purred, and massaged its little feet into his chest. He sighed and shook his head with a resigned grin, "Go fix it a bed and some food." Yay!!!  I put bedding in the little red wagon in the garage and filled some bowls with food and water.  He was a loud purr-er for such a little thing. 

The next morning, we put him out so he could go to wherever his home was.  As Ron drove off for work, he called that the little guy was just sitting under a tree.  I didn't see him most of the day, but....
Buuuuuut... the cat came back.
He couldn't stay away,
Sittin' on the porch
The very next day.

𝅘𝅥𝅯 Ooooooooh... the cat came back.
He didn't want to roam.
The very next day
He was home sweet home! 
We decided we'd let him sleep in his wagon bed in the garage one more night.
Today was warm.  
We put him out so that he could go home.  
He helped Ron fill the bird feeders
and feed the chickens.
He helped gather wood for the fire.
He helped him read the newspaper too.
He helped babysit.
I think he might be home.
Pounce perched on top of the freezer and
greeted him warmly... (Ummm... Give her time...)
He didn't seem too concerned... about anything...
Buff the magic kitten 
Lives here with with me
He frolicked in the wintry mist
At Serendipity....        ♩  ♪
     ♫     ♪


  1. I'm so glad that Buff has a forever home with you!! Pounce will hopefully have a snuggle buddy soon!

    1. Yeah... We certainly were not looking for another cat, but we're pretty smitten with this kitten...
      Pounce has not chosen to be friendly yet. Ha ha... She just glare haughtily at the kitten and look then away. Snarling and spitting has stopped though, so that's progress!

  2. What a delightful post. I'm glad Buff has found a home!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the story! In less than a week he has inserted himself as a family member. He's a funny little thing who would like to have attention at all times! :)

  3. A love a story with a happy ending :)

  4. I just love this story! I've heard many many times how cats choose their homes, and clearly Buff chose you. Come on Pounce, he's not so bad! Glad you two are such welcoming fur kid humans.

    1. We are simply in love with this little kitty. His favorite place to lounge is in our laps. So sweet!
