Tuesday, June 22, 2021



Five new tiny little members of the family here at Serendipity.
Imagine a big cotton ball... That's about the size and weight of these little chicks. But, you'll also need to imagine that cotton ball peep peep peeping and skittering around after mama.
Three days ago I brought these babies home from the farm supply store.  That night after dark, I carried them out to the coop where Dolly was broody and patiently sitting on the fake eggs.  One at a time, I slipped each baby under her.  She'd look... give it a peck... scoot it under her... wiggle her feathers in contentment.  The next morning she was proud to show off her new family.  They spent a day or so in the nesting box. Then she brought them down to the ground in the coop and started teaching them. After a day of that, she brought them outside the doors of the coop to explore a little further.
They never stop peeping.  She never stops clucking.  I guess that's how they converse. 


  1. I can hear them peeping! The photo of Dolly and her chicks is so sweet.
