Sunday, August 14, 2022

Little White Church in Winter

The longer I thought about my last Little White Church, the more I knew I had to do it again.  I can't exactly put my finger on why, but I am so much more pleased with this one. It's done more loosely and painterly, yet it's oddly more realistic.

I called my art mentor and told her I wanted to change my response to our weekly-ish challenge for "Little White Church."  She laughed since we've been making up our rules as we go for as long as we've been doing this.

*Thanks again to Sara for the image that I used... then used again!

Original Oil Painting on 11"x 14" Wrapped Canvas



  1. This is such a pretty painting! I like the "loosely and painterly" look!

    1. Thanks. I do to. I can't really explain why. It just makes me want to look again and again.

  2. Both paintings are lovely and it's hard for me to pick a favourite. I think I'm leaning towards this winter scene :)

    1. Yeah, I like it too. It's got a lovely "vibe," I think.
