Thursday, June 1, 2023

I Like Thursday 6/23

Thank you to Leeanne of Not Afraid of Color for reminding me to notice things I like. 

I like having a momma hen.  This is Fancy-like.
She is a Bantam, so she's about 1/3 the size of a regular hen. 
Her Bantam  babies are so tiny.  They're like cotton balls with legs!
I like my row of irises
May is their time to put on a show.

I like gathering knowing that gathering season is beginning.
I also like the colored eggs my hens have for me each day.
I like that we live in the middle of nature and get to see all sorts of creatures. 
But I am so very unhappy with this hawk who has been stalking my  hens.
I like that we live in the middle of nature and get to see all sorts of creatures.
Wait... didn't I just say that?
This guy spent a couple of nights trying to figure out how to break into my coops.
(I guess he got distracted by the peanut butter sandwich I put in the back of this trap.) 
I have a guy who'll  get him later today and let him go in his forested place in the next county.

LeeAnne gave several other prompts to think about. 
Here are a few quick answers to them:

Do you like to sing for yourself, or others? Do people recognize your ability or has anyone said you're not a singer? I was always a pretty good choir singer, but never a solo singer.  Several years ago I had some damage to my vocal cords (long story) and don't have much of a singing voice any more.  Do you make up songs during the day?  I don't make up songs.  But I have a serious problem wonderful gift of making up my own lyrics to songs. Google "mondegreen." I'm the queen of mondegreen.   Do you sing to babies?    Absolutely. My 6 grandbabies know that Hush Little Baby is our special song... They aren't old enough to realize yet that I've made up several extra verses. Are you more comfortable singing high or low? Always an alto.

Do you have a favorite musical style? What kind of music calms you, makes you want to dance, or stimulates you creatively?
I'm a fan of country music.

Have you ever had a close encounter with a celebrity? Seen someone in person, talked to them, etc?  please tell us the details! 
Jack Gantos is one of my favorite children's book authors.  He was in town to do some presentations with the University. One night he did a workshop with a group of us in the National Writing Project.  I got to pick him up at his hotel and drive him to the meeting!  

If you could go on vacation anywhere right now, where would it be? tell us why you chose that place... imagine how long you'd like to be there, and what you'd like to do there....
If it has to be right now, I'd choose no where! Why? The school calendar ruled my life from ages 6-53.  One of the greatest joys of retirement is being able to travel in during off-season times, not in June or July!
But, to answer in the spirit of the question... I'll choose... Hmmm... How about Maine... around Acadia National Park.


  1. Oh, I love this season, where I get to see your garden loot photos! They are so fun and pretty. You have a few rascals hanging around your little farm. I hope the relocation works!

    1. Oh, yes! You'll be seeing some garden photos very soon! (Like tomorrow!) and all summer long! I just can't help myself. I like to take photos of my garden harvests!

  2. Love Fancy-like and her cotton ball babies. Your row of irises reminds me of the row we had next to the driveway at the old farm. Ah the rascals - glad you are rehoming Mr. Fox. Hope you find a good solution for the hawk. On the south Texas acreage we had to contend with feral hogs - oh how I don't miss finding a new area in our yard plowed up every night. Do you have those on your property?

    1. Things have been quiet on the hawk and/or raccoon front. All is peaceful here on Serendipity once again. I know the risks of letting my hens free range, but they are so happy pecking about in the yard and woods.
      Although we are at the heart of Arkansas Razorback country, no, I don't think we have any actual wild hogs. We'll just let those stay in Texas.

  3. Your mama hen looks so maternal…how sweet! And your garden photos are lovely! I remember eating fresh eggs when I was pregnant with my son – they were delicious!
    I agree with you – after teaching I love to travel in the off-season!

    1. It is very sweet to watch a mama hen and her babies. And, I hope that the garden photos only get more and more beautiful as the summer season comes.

  4. Another iris-loving alto here. If you need to thin the herd this Fall, I wouldn't mind two rhizomes of that gorgeous 2-toned purple one, Helen!

    1. Let me know when you're in NW Arkansas. I'll have a shovel and a bucket ready to dig up what you want!

  5. We have so many irises right now! I like your different colored eggs. So pretty.

    1. The irises did put on their show, but they're all gone now. They'll be back next year! My eggs do make me happy. I'd love to have a hen that lays those really dark brown or dark green ones.

  6. the chicken's eggs are so delicately colored... and mama is a very healthy looking hen! I love iris and uh oh on the hawk. I remember sitting on our porch back in Maryland, and listening to birdsong. All of a sudden like a switch was flipped, silence. Then an enormous owl (? can't quite remember) swooped in and stared in the screened porch at us from a branch. Magnificent but I'm glad there was no carnage. Still if they really were hungry we had an abundance of squirrels... just sayin'

    1. I love seeing the different egg shell colors. I hope to one day have hens that lay the really dark green ones or the really deep brown ones.
