Saturday, October 31, 2020

Peanut Butter & Crackers

Earlier this week I was looking over my to-do list where nothing looked very appealing. Let's see... Clean up the kitchen...  Switch out seasonal clothes in the closet... Vacuum the carpet... or other equally entertaining jobs on the list.  So, what's the best thing to do in that situation? Well, make a snack to give you energy to get to all those important jobs, of course!  Or, you could take a picture of that snack, head up to the painting room, and move the items on that day's to-do list to the next day.

My friend Sandra of mmmquilts  calls this a DrEAMi! project when you Drop Everything And Make It! 

Funny how these unplanned projects are sometimes more fun and even better than the well planned ones.

Original Oil Painting on 6"x 8" Wrapped Canvas


  1. I pretty much drop anything for food - LOL. Those squirrels sure do have a way of sneaking up on you, don't they? Nice painting - I need to remember to see ordinary things as art :-)

  2. Oh you are so spot on with the sentiment that "these unplanned projects are sometimes more fun and even better than the well planned ones!" Now you've made me want to go down and have some pb on graham crackers, yum! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Well it is so much more pleasant to say, "I chased a squirrel," or "I completed a DrEAMi!" than to say, "I got off task today."

  3. This happens to me ALL THE! Some of my best projects are the spur of the moment things...maybe less thinking is a plan I should stick to :)
